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Why add IPL for your clinic ?


Why add IPL for your clinic ?


One of the best things about IPL devices is that they are easy to use at home and can cut down on trips to the salon. You should also note that IPL devices can usually only be used on fair to medium-brown tones and with hair ranging from natural blonde to dark brown / black - so be sure to check whether they are suitable for you.

IPL is an affordable hair removal method and easy to do yourself with our guide.

So, what is IPL hair removal?

IPL hair removal is a progressive treatment that offers full body hair removal - but you can use IPL to treat separate areas, such as your arms, legs, or pubic area, depending on your individual needs.

When using IPL, you’ll hold a flashgun device that delivers a spectrum of light to the skin. These rays of light target melanin, which helps it reach the hair root and disable key areas within the follicle. It’s a non-invasive treatment that doesn’t cause irritation to your skin’s surface, as waxing and other common options might.

Not quite convinced yet? See below for some of the main benefits of using IPL , compared to other hair removal methods:

You can undergo IPL hair removal in the comfort of your own home, applying these gentle flashes of light around your desired body areas after shaving.

What is IPL treatment and how does it work over time? With repeated use IPL delays the production of new hair, preventing regrowth over time.

With epilating or waxing, you’re advised not to shave for a few weeks before treatment, which can lead to stubbly body hair during that in-between period – not ideal if you want to hit the beach and try out that new swimsuit! You won’t have to worry about this with IPL, as you’re actually advised to shave before treatment. Shaving before your IPL hair removal treatment helps the light beam to focus in on the hair root.

When using IPL, you’ll need to shave less and less as your treatments go on. As the hair follicles will be empty, you’ll notice fewer ingrown hairs and less stubble ‘shadow’.

IPL treatment helps to smooth out the texture of your skin, whereas waxing or threading can cause inflammation.